With a plot that revolves around a fictional mobile phone company and the health risks associated with mobile phone radiation, the British television drama series Mobile has been split into three episodes. ITV aired the show in the United Kingdom in March of 2007. Jamie Draven, Neil Fitzmaurice, Keith Allen, Sunetra Sarker, Samantha Bond, Brittany Ashworth, and Julie Graham make up the cast of this film. John Fay penned it.
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With a plot that revolves around a fictional mobile phone company and the health risks associated with mobile phone radiation, the British television drama series Mobile has been split into three episodes. ITV aired the show in the United Kingdom in March of 2007. Jamie Draven, Neil Fitzmaurice, Keith Allen, Sunetra Sarker, Samantha Bond, Brittany Ashworth, and Julie Graham make up the cast of this film. John Fay penned it.