WWE Superstars is a professional wrestling-themed television show that was initially broadcast in the United States on WGN America. The show was produced by WWE and aired by WGN America. It first aired on April 16, 2009, and the last episode of the domestic broadcast season aired on April 7, 2011. Following its last airing on television in the United States, the show transitioned to a format in which it is now aired on the internet, while continuing to air in the traditional manner in markets located outside the United States. This show follows a format very similar to that of the previous show WWE Heat, which was created for the same purpose and featured middle-card to low-card WWE superstars and divas. Big celebrities like John Cena and Randy Orton have previously made appearances on the show when it first started airing. In the past, the show has also featured performers from the now-defunct ECW brand.
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WWE Superstars is a professional wrestling-themed television show that was initially broadcast in the United States on WGN America. The show was produced by WWE and aired by WGN America. It first aired on April 16, 2009, and the last episode of the domestic broadcast season aired on April 7, 2011. Following its last airing on television in the United States, the show transitioned to a format in which it is now aired on the internet, while continuing to air in the traditional manner in markets located outside the United States. This show follows a format very similar to that of the previous show WWE Heat, which was created for the same purpose and featured middle-card to low-card WWE superstars and divas. Big celebrities like John Cena and Randy Orton have previously made appearances on the show when it first started airing. In the past, the show has also featured performers from the now-defunct ECW brand.