TV series Style, which premiered in 2009, is a South Korean television series that stars Kim Hye-soo, Ryu Shi-won, and Lee Yong-woo. There were 16 episodes shown from August 1 to September 20 at 21:45 on SBS. Style is based on Baek Young-2008 ok's chick lit novel of the same name, which chronicles the workings of a fictional fashion magazine.
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TV series Style, which premiered in 2009, is a South Korean television series that stars Kim Hye-soo, Ryu Shi-won, and Lee Yong-woo. There were 16 episodes shown from August 1 to September 20 at 21:45 on SBS. Style is based on Baek Young-2008 ok's chick lit novel of the same name, which chronicles the workings of a fictional fashion magazine.