Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain created the Nickelodeon animated television series Rugrats. The show focuses on a group of toddlers, most notably Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and Angelica, and their day-to-day lives, which frequently involve normal life occurrences that become adventures in the babies' imaginations. In the series, adults are virtually always oblivious of what the youngsters are up to; yet, this just gives the babies more opportunity to explore and investigate their environment.
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Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain created the Nickelodeon animated television series Rugrats. The show focuses on a group of toddlers, most notably Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and Angelica, and their day-to-day lives, which frequently involve normal life occurrences that become adventures in the babies' imaginations. In the series, adults are virtually always oblivious of what the youngsters are up to; yet, this just gives the babies more opportunity to explore and investigate their environment.