Tooru Honda, a 16-year-old high schooler, takes matters into her own hands and moves out...into a tent — when a family tragedy throws her life upside down. Unfortunately, she tents her new home on private property belonging to the enigmatic Souma clan, and the owners quickly discover her secret. Tooru quickly discovers, however, when the family agrees to take her in, that the Soumas have their own secret: when hugged by the opposite sex, they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac!
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Tooru Honda, a 16-year-old high schooler, takes matters into her own hands and moves out...into a tent — when a family tragedy throws her life upside down. Unfortunately, she tents her new home on private property belonging to the enigmatic Souma clan, and the owners quickly discover her secret. Tooru quickly discovers, however, when the family agrees to take her in, that the Soumas have their own secret: when hugged by the opposite sex, they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac!