Saving Mbango is a drama based on the life of a young boy (John) who became the breadwinner for a dysfunctional family. His chaotic and tumultuous family history stymies his dreams and ambitions. John falls in love with Mbango, a village girl whose life has complications that make John's seem insignificant. John's entire world becomes more tumultuous. He is torn between managing his dysfunctional family and saving his life's love. He is constantly tormented by his abrasive and alcoholic father, irresponsible older brother, and mean unmarried sisters, and he is in a difficult situation. Nkanya Nwai, a multiple award-winning director, directed this film, which was shot in Mondoni, a rural community in Cameroon's South West region.
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Saving Mbango is a drama based on the life of a young boy (John) who became the breadwinner for a dysfunctional family. His chaotic and tumultuous family history stymies his dreams and ambitions. John falls in love with Mbango, a village girl whose life has complications that make John's seem insignificant. John's entire world becomes more tumultuous. He is torn between managing his dysfunctional family and saving his life's love. He is constantly tormented by his abrasive and alcoholic father, irresponsible older brother, and mean unmarried sisters, and he is in a difficult situation. Nkanya Nwai, a multiple award-winning director, directed this film, which was shot in Mondoni, a rural community in Cameroon's South West region.