The critically acclaimed graphic novel "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers" by Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic served as the source material for Marvel Knights Animation's "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers," which offers a compelling look inside the minds of Thor and Loki, brothers who grew up in the mythical land of Asgard but who appear destined to be rivals forever. But why exactly does Loki dislike his brother Thor so much? And is it possible that this ringleader of trouble isn't truly the scoundrel with which he's been associated? This compelling epic gives new significance to both Loki's unquenchable desire for power and his long-running rivalry with Thor.
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The critically acclaimed graphic novel "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers" by Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic served as the source material for Marvel Knights Animation's "Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers," which offers a compelling look inside the minds of Thor and Loki, brothers who grew up in the mythical land of Asgard but who appear destined to be rivals forever. But why exactly does Loki dislike his brother Thor so much? And is it possible that this ringleader of trouble isn't truly the scoundrel with which he's been associated? This compelling epic gives new significance to both Loki's unquenchable desire for power and his long-running rivalry with Thor.