The "Looney Tunes" characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and the rest are back with more adventures for a new generation of viewers. In the animated show, Bugs and Daffy move out of the woods and into the suburbs, where they hang out with other "Looney Tunes" characters like Sylvester, Tweety, Porky Pig, and Foghorn Leghorn, who are also their neighbors.
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The "Looney Tunes" characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and the rest are back with more adventures for a new generation of viewers. In the animated show, Bugs and Daffy move out of the woods and into the suburbs, where they hang out with other "Looney Tunes" characters like Sylvester, Tweety, Porky Pig, and Foghorn Leghorn, who are also their neighbors.