The Killing is a Danish police procedural set at the Copenhagen major police department and revolving around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her colleagues, with each season series focusing on a different murder case and each episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is well-known for its plot twists, season-long plots, grim tone, and attention on both the murder victim's family and the police investigation. It has also been praised for the photography of its Danish setting and its cast's acting skills.
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The Killing is a Danish police procedural set at the Copenhagen major police department and revolving around Detective Inspector Sarah Lund and her colleagues, with each season series focusing on a different murder case and each episode covering twenty-four hours of the investigation. The series is well-known for its plot twists, season-long plots, grim tone, and attention on both the murder victim's family and the police investigation. It has also been praised for the photography of its Danish setting and its cast's acting skills.