ITV in the United Kingdom debuted The Grand, a drama series for television, in the 1997–1998 television season. Russell T. Davies is responsible for the story, which takes place in the 1920s in a hotel in Manchester and was written by him. There are two series total: the first series consists of eight episodes that aired between 4 April 1997 and 23 May 1997, and the second series consists of 10 episodes that aired between 30 January 1998 and 3 April 1998. Russell T. Davies was responsible for the writing of all 18 episodes. Susan Hampshire, Julia St. John, Tim Healy, Michael Siberry, Stephen Moyer, and Mark McGann were among those who appeared in the production as cast members. Catrin Collier, writing under the alias Katherine Hardy, is the author of the novelizations of both series.
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ITV in the United Kingdom debuted The Grand, a drama series for television, in the 1997–1998 television season. Russell T. Davies is responsible for the story, which takes place in the 1920s in a hotel in Manchester and was written by him. There are two series total: the first series consists of eight episodes that aired between 4 April 1997 and 23 May 1997, and the second series consists of 10 episodes that aired between 30 January 1998 and 3 April 1998. Russell T. Davies was responsible for the writing of all 18 episodes. Susan Hampshire, Julia St. John, Tim Healy, Michael Siberry, Stephen Moyer, and Mark McGann were among those who appeared in the production as cast members. Catrin Collier, writing under the alias Katherine Hardy, is the author of the novelizations of both series.