Texhnolyze is a Japanese animation series directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki from a script by Chiaki Konaka and produced by Yasuyuki Ueda. Yoshitoshi ABe designed the characters. The events take place in the decaying underground metropolis of Lux. Lux locals name it "The City" and treat it as a sentient entity. Organo, a professional corporation with ties to the criminal underworld in prosthetics, the Union, a zealous populist organisation, and Racan, a marauding group of Texhnolyzed teenagers, compete for control of the city. The series contains an ensemble cast, but events revolve on Ichise, a stoic prize fighter who loses a leg and an arm to placate an irate promoter, Onishi, a young but level-headed Organo executive with many adversaries, and Ran, a little girl with a gift that impacts the entire city. While struggling to accept their challenges, the protagonists witness crucial events that affect the city's fate. Texhnolyze broadcast from April16, 2003 to September24, 2003 on Fuji Television. DVD includes two "hidden" episodes.
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Texhnolyze is a Japanese animation series directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki from a script by Chiaki Konaka and produced by Yasuyuki Ueda. Yoshitoshi ABe designed the characters. The events take place in the decaying underground metropolis of Lux. Lux locals name it "The City" and treat it as a sentient entity. Organo, a professional corporation with ties to the criminal underworld in prosthetics, the Union, a zealous populist organisation, and Racan, a marauding group of Texhnolyzed teenagers, compete for control of the city. The series contains an ensemble cast, but events revolve on Ichise, a stoic prize fighter who loses a leg and an arm to placate an irate promoter, Onishi, a young but level-headed Organo executive with many adversaries, and Ran, a little girl with a gift that impacts the entire city. While struggling to accept their challenges, the protagonists witness crucial events that affect the city's fate. Texhnolyze broadcast from April16, 2003 to September24, 2003 on Fuji Television. DVD includes two "hidden" episodes.