Tangle is a Showcase subscription television drama series from Australia. The story centers on the intertwined lives of two generations of the same family. It premiered on October 1, 2009, and Tangle was filmed in Melbourne. It was written by Fiona Seres, Tony McNamara, and Judi McCrossin and directed by Jessica Hobbs, Matthew Saville, and Stuart McDonald. Currently, there are three seasons of the show. Tangle will now air on Foxtel's SoHo channel, which carries a variety of programming.
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Tangle is a Showcase subscription television drama series from Australia. The story centers on the intertwined lives of two generations of the same family. It premiered on October 1, 2009, and Tangle was filmed in Melbourne. It was written by Fiona Seres, Tony McNamara, and Judi McCrossin and directed by Jessica Hobbs, Matthew Saville, and Stuart McDonald. Currently, there are three seasons of the show. Tangle will now air on Foxtel's SoHo channel, which carries a variety of programming.