The story of Stargate SG-1 begins approximately one year after the events of the feature film, when the United States government discovers that an ancient alien device known as the Stargate can connect to a network of similar devices on a variety of planets. SG-1 is an elite Air Force special operations squad, one of over two dozen teams from Earth that travel the galaxy and protect against alien threats including the Goa'uld, Replicators, and Ori.
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The story of Stargate SG-1 begins approximately one year after the events of the feature film, when the United States government discovers that an ancient alien device known as the Stargate can connect to a network of similar devices on a variety of planets. SG-1 is an elite Air Force special operations squad, one of over two dozen teams from Earth that travel the galaxy and protect against alien threats including the Goa'uld, Replicators, and Ori.