Akimine Kamijyo created the manga series Samurai Deeper Kyo. Set during Japan's Edo period, Samurai Deeper Kyo follows Demon Eyes Kyo, a feared samurai attempting to reclaim his body after his spirit is locked inside the body of his opponent, Mibu Kyoshiro. Kyo is joined in his pursuit by bounty hunter Shiina Yuya, the heir to the Tokugawa shogunate Benitora, and Sanada Yukimura, a noted opponent of the Tokugawa. Samurai Deeper Kyo was published in Kodansha's Weekly Shnen Magazine from October15, 1999 to May10,2006, and collected in 38 volumes. In 2002, the manga was turned into an animated television series. The Studio Deen production ran on TV Tokyo from July2, 2002 until December23,2002, for a total of 26 episodes. Both the manga and the anime have been licensed in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Tokyopop bought the comic in 2002. However, by2009, Kodansha had allowed its license arrangements to expire, prohibiting Tokyopop from continuing the English edition of the series. Samurai Deeper Kyo was quickly taken up by Del Rey Manga, which completed the series by releasing volumes 35 and 36 in a single volume and volumes 37 and 38 in a single volume. In 2003, Media Blasters purchased the anime series under the AnimeWorks banner. In the United States, it was briefly broadcast on the Encore network channels.
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