Mummies Alive! is a DIC Entertainment animated series set in the United States. It first aired in 1997 for one season. Scarab, an evil sorcerer from ancient Egypt, kills the pharaoh's son, Prince Rapses, in order to become immortal. Scarab is entombed alive for his crime and begins his search for Rapses' reincarnation, a San Francisco-dwelling youngster named Presley Carnovan, in order to retrieve Rapses' spirit and become everlasting. Ja-Kal, Rath, Armon, and Nefer-Tina, Rapses' bodyguards, as well as Rapses' cat, Kahti, rise from the dead to protect him from Scarab. They morph into formidable guardians using Ra's power. Each mummy is connected to the power of an Egyptian god. Ja-Kal summons the falcon spirit, Rath summons the snake spirit, Armon summons the ram spirit, and Nefer-Tina summons the cat spirit. They can summon it for magical armor and abilities to confront superhuman villains. They must rest in their sarcophagi to replenish their strength once it has been depleted. The mummies must utter the phrase "With the Strength of Ra!" in order to gain access to these abilities, which causes them to morph. The mummies can also make a terrifying look, which is frequently employed to keep curious spectators at far.
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