Macross Plus is a four-part OVA and theatrical film based on the anime series Macross. In the official continuity, it was the first sequel to the original Macross television series. At the time of its debut, Plus was a pioneering combination of traditional cel and computer-generated animation, paving the way for the introduction of more computer-generated images in Japanese Animation. Both the OVA series and film were distributed by Bandai Visual in Japan and Manga Entertainment in North America and Europe. Manga Entertainment released the VHS version in Australia, while Madman Entertainment published the DVD version under sublicense from Manga Entertainment. Several new mecha designs inspired by the original anime are featured.
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Macross Plus is a four-part OVA and theatrical film based on the anime series Macross. In the official continuity, it was the first sequel to the original Macross television series. At the time of its debut, Plus was a pioneering combination of traditional cel and computer-generated animation, paving the way for the introduction of more computer-generated images in Japanese Animation. Both the OVA series and film were distributed by Bandai Visual in Japan and Manga Entertainment in North America and Europe. Manga Entertainment released the VHS version in Australia, while Madman Entertainment published the DVD version under sublicense from Manga Entertainment. Several new mecha designs inspired by the original anime are featured.