Survival chat show hosted and participated in by comedy duo Chidori. To progress to the next stage, participants will engage in a series of debates. When Daigo of the comic team Chidori appears in authentic dramas alongside strong actors, they'll be joined by other well-known comedians. As a result, a significant amount of the screenplay is left unscripted, and the actors are entrusted with reciting their own narrative. These gaps must be filled by the candidates, and any who fail to do so will be removed. Who will tell the best jokes? Who will be the last one remaining when the contenders are eliminated one by one? What will be the surprising conclusion to this drama?!?
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Survival chat show hosted and participated in by comedy duo Chidori. To progress to the next stage, participants will engage in a series of debates. When Daigo of the comic team Chidori appears in authentic dramas alongside strong actors, they'll be joined by other well-known comedians. As a result, a significant amount of the screenplay is left unscripted, and the actors are entrusted with reciting their own narrative. These gaps must be filled by the candidates, and any who fail to do so will be removed. Who will tell the best jokes? Who will be the last one remaining when the contenders are eliminated one by one? What will be the surprising conclusion to this drama?!?