JAG is an American military-themed legal drama television series created by Donald P. Bellisario and produced by Belisarius Productions and Paramount Network Television. The first season was created in collaboration with NBC Productions. The pilot episode of JAG aired on NBC for the first time on September23,1995. However, the series was canceled on May22, 1996 after ranking 79th in the ratings, leaving one episode unaired. Beginning January3,1997, rival network CBS picked up the series as a midseason replacement. The decision by CBS to screen JAG was a wise one, since the show's ratings rose for several seasons and remained on the air for nine more years. JAG also generated the blockbuster series NCIS, which inspired another hit series, NCIS: Los Angeles. Over the course of 10 seasons, a total of 227 episodes were created, and by the fifth season, JAG was being shown in over 100 countries worldwide. JAG was so well-liked that it was syndicated as early as1999, and it is currently regularly rerun.
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JAG is an American military-themed legal drama television series created by Donald P. Bellisario and produced by Belisarius Productions and Paramount Network Television. The first season was created in collaboration with NBC Productions. The pilot episode of JAG aired on NBC for the first time on September23,1995. However, the series was canceled on May22, 1996 after ranking 79th in the ratings, leaving one episode unaired. Beginning January3,1997, rival network CBS picked up the series as a midseason replacement. The decision by CBS to screen JAG was a wise one, since the show's ratings rose for several seasons and remained on the air for nine more years. JAG also generated the blockbuster series NCIS, which inspired another hit series, NCIS: Los Angeles. Over the course of 10 seasons, a total of 227 episodes were created, and by the fifth season, JAG was being shown in over 100 countries worldwide. JAG was so well-liked that it was syndicated as early as1999, and it is currently regularly rerun.