Iron Chef is a Japanese cooking show on television that is produced by Fuji Television. The series, which debuted on October10,1993, features guest chefs competing against one of the show's permanent "Iron Chefs" in a timed culinary war with a specified theme component. The series concluded on September24,1999, while specials continued to be produced until 2002. 309 episodes were broadcast. The Cooking Channel in the United States and Special Broadcasting Service in Australia routinely air repeats. Iron Chef, a new version of the show, will premiere on Fuji TV on October26, 2012.
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Iron Chef is a Japanese cooking show on television that is produced by Fuji Television. The series, which debuted on October10,1993, features guest chefs competing against one of the show's permanent "Iron Chefs" in a timed culinary war with a specified theme component. The series concluded on September24,1999, while specials continued to be produced until 2002. 309 episodes were broadcast. The Cooking Channel in the United States and Special Broadcasting Service in Australia routinely air repeats. Iron Chef, a new version of the show, will premiere on Fuji TV on October26, 2012.