Happy Families, a rural comedy drama created by Ben Elton and shown on the BBC in 1985, followed the chaotic Fuddle family. It featured Jennifer Saunders as Grandma Fuddle, Dawn French as the Cook, and Adrian Edmondson as her idiotic grandson Guy. The plot revolved around Guy's efforts to locate his four sisters, all of whom were portrayed by Saunders, for a family reunion.
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Happy Families, a rural comedy drama created by Ben Elton and shown on the BBC in 1985, followed the chaotic Fuddle family. It featured Jennifer Saunders as Grandma Fuddle, Dawn French as the Cook, and Adrian Edmondson as her idiotic grandson Guy. The plot revolved around Guy's efforts to locate his four sisters, all of whom were portrayed by Saunders, for a family reunion.