Erky Perky was an Australian and Canadian animated television series created by CCI Entertainment and Ambience Entertainment for YTV. The program was about two arguing, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who lived at a hot dog stand but were accidently transported to a house. The focus of the show is on Erky and Perky as they attempt to settle into their new home, interact with other housebugs, and search for food in a very clean kitchen. On July 1, 2006, it aired once as a "trailer" on YTV's Big BBQ Blowout. A second "sneak peek" episode of Erky Perky aired on August30,2006, during YTV's "Sneak Peek Week," before to its September 7 premiere. The series premiered on Toon Disney on September 4, 2006 in the United States. The LaB Sydney, an Australian firm specializing in visual effects, created the CGI animation.
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Erky Perky was an Australian and Canadian animated television series created by CCI Entertainment and Ambience Entertainment for YTV. The program was about two arguing, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who lived at a hot dog stand but were accidently transported to a house. The focus of the show is on Erky and Perky as they attempt to settle into their new home, interact with other housebugs, and search for food in a very clean kitchen. On July 1, 2006, it aired once as a "trailer" on YTV's Big BBQ Blowout. A second "sneak peek" episode of Erky Perky aired on August30,2006, during YTV's "Sneak Peek Week," before to its September 7 premiere. The series premiered on Toon Disney on September 4, 2006 in the United States. The LaB Sydney, an Australian firm specializing in visual effects, created the CGI animation.