Dangerous is an Australian drama series that premiered on FOX8 and RTÉ One on 16 January 2007. The WB's internet network began airing it in the US in mid-2008. It's a "Romeo and Juliet" story set in Sydney's western suburbs street crime and eastern suburbs wealth. It explores young culture, including party drug use, drag racing, and ramraiding. Edwards and Banks produce Dangerous. Love My Way writers Fiona Seres and Brendan Cowell contribute. They direct it. The theme song is "Set The Record Straight" by New Zealand hip hop act Fast Crew, with the lyrics modified to "Sydney City, let's go."
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Dangerous is an Australian drama series that premiered on FOX8 and RTÉ One on 16 January 2007. The WB's internet network began airing it in the US in mid-2008. It's a "Romeo and Juliet" story set in Sydney's western suburbs street crime and eastern suburbs wealth. It explores young culture, including party drug use, drag racing, and ramraiding. Edwards and Banks produce Dangerous. Love My Way writers Fiona Seres and Brendan Cowell contribute. They direct it. The theme song is "Set The Record Straight" by New Zealand hip hop act Fast Crew, with the lyrics modified to "Sydney City, let's go."