Count Duckula is a British children's drama, horror, and comedy animated television series developed by British studio Cosgrove Hall and a spin-off from DangerMouse, in which Count Duckula was a recurring antagonist. The series debuted on September 6, 1988, and was produced by Thames Television for the first three seasons and Central Television for the final season. In total, 65 episodes, each around 22 minutes long, were created. In the United Kingdom, all 65 episodes are available on DVD, however in North America, only the first season is available. The series and its characters continue to enjoy a significant online following. This production is a vague parody of Count Dracula's tale. Duckula resides in a creepy castle known as Castle Duckula in Transylvania with his butler Igor and his enormous nanny. The majority of the show's characters are birds given human characteristics.
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Count Duckula is a British children's drama, horror, and comedy animated television series developed by British studio Cosgrove Hall and a spin-off from DangerMouse, in which Count Duckula was a recurring antagonist. The series debuted on September 6, 1988, and was produced by Thames Television for the first three seasons and Central Television for the final season. In total, 65 episodes, each around 22 minutes long, were created. In the United Kingdom, all 65 episodes are available on DVD, however in North America, only the first season is available. The series and its characters continue to enjoy a significant online following. This production is a vague parody of Count Dracula's tale. Duckula resides in a creepy castle known as Castle Duckula in Transylvania with his butler Igor and his enormous nanny. The majority of the show's characters are birds given human characteristics.