The series depicts Flint Lockwood, the quirky young scientist from the movie, during his high school years. In his adventures, he will be joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "want tobe" reporter, as well as Flint's father Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club, Earl as the school's gym teacher, Brent as a baby wear model, and Mayor Shelbourne, who wins every election on the pro-sardine platform.
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The series depicts Flint Lockwood, the quirky young scientist from the movie, during his high school years. In his adventures, he will be joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "want tobe" reporter, as well as Flint's father Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club, Earl as the school's gym teacher, Brent as a baby wear model, and Mayor Shelbourne, who wins every election on the pro-sardine platform.