The crime drama television series Close to Home is an American production that is broadcast on CBS and was co-produced by Warner Bros. Television and Jerry Bruckheimer Television. The series was initially referred to as American Crime while it was in the pre-production phase. Actress Jennifer Finnigan, who played the role of Deputy Prosecutor Annabeth Chase for Marion County, Indiana, appeared in the pilot episode on October 4, 2005, and continued to perform in subsequent episodes through May 11, 2007. The series was conceived up by Jim Leonard and shot almost entirely in the Southern California region. Michael A. Levine was the one who composed the score. CBS made the announcement that the series would no longer be airing on May 16, 2007.
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The crime drama television series Close to Home is an American production that is broadcast on CBS and was co-produced by Warner Bros. Television and Jerry Bruckheimer Television. The series was initially referred to as American Crime while it was in the pre-production phase. Actress Jennifer Finnigan, who played the role of Deputy Prosecutor Annabeth Chase for Marion County, Indiana, appeared in the pilot episode on October 4, 2005, and continued to perform in subsequent episodes through May 11, 2007. The series was conceived up by Jim Leonard and shot almost entirely in the Southern California region. Michael A. Levine was the one who composed the score. CBS made the announcement that the series would no longer be airing on May 16, 2007.