This compelling drama centers on Sam, a lady from the working class who lives a seemingly normal life but is also involved in the shadowy and potentially harmful world of insider trading. Sam is torn between her life as a dedicated and loving mother and her life in the financial markets. Sam, a sassy office cleaner, is battling an addiction to internet gambling when she realizes that she has access to lucrative Stock Market information that, if used appropriately, could be the answer to all of her prayers. Sam's problem is that she hasn't been using this knowledge correctly.
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This compelling drama centers on Sam, a lady from the working class who lives a seemingly normal life but is also involved in the shadowy and potentially harmful world of insider trading. Sam is torn between her life as a dedicated and loving mother and her life in the financial markets. Sam, a sassy office cleaner, is battling an addiction to internet gambling when she realizes that she has access to lucrative Stock Market information that, if used appropriately, could be the answer to all of her prayers. Sam's problem is that she hasn't been using this knowledge correctly.