This drama follows the tale of Park Ji-sang, a vampire who works as a hospital doctor. Yoo Ri-ta is a renowned heiress physician, a star physician at the hospital, and the niece of the board chairman. She is haughty and unapproachable, yet highly competent and accustomed to being the golden girl. Their leader is Lee Jae-wook, an ostensibly polite but inwardly ambitious man who will prove to be their most formidable enemy.
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This drama follows the tale of Park Ji-sang, a vampire who works as a hospital doctor. Yoo Ri-ta is a renowned heiress physician, a star physician at the hospital, and the niece of the board chairman. She is haughty and unapproachable, yet highly competent and accustomed to being the golden girl. Their leader is Lee Jae-wook, an ostensibly polite but inwardly ambitious man who will prove to be their most formidable enemy.