Prior to Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island," the pirate adventures of Captain Flint and his crew. As the most accomplished and feared pirate captain of his time, Flint accepts the services of a young man named John Silver to join his company at sea. On New Providence Island, the most known criminal refuge of its day – a debauched paradise full of pirates, prostitutes, thieves and fortune seekers – they are battling to save the island's existence from the threat of extinction on all sides.
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Prior to Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island," the pirate adventures of Captain Flint and his crew. As the most accomplished and feared pirate captain of his time, Flint accepts the services of a young man named John Silver to join his company at sea. On New Providence Island, the most known criminal refuge of its day – a debauched paradise full of pirates, prostitutes, thieves and fortune seekers – they are battling to save the island's existence from the threat of extinction on all sides.