Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction is an American television anthology series produced and shown by the Fox network from 1997 to 2002. It was created by Lynn Lehmann and presented by Dick Clark Productions. Each episode had five stories, all of which seemed to defy logic and were reportedly based on true events. The spectator was given the task of determining which statements were true and which were untrue. At the end of the play, the audience learned whether the stories were authentic or made up. In season one, James Brolin hosted the show, then Jonathan Frakes took over for the rest of the season. Don LaFontaine narrated the first three seasons, and Campbell Lane narrated the fourth and final season.
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Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction is an American television anthology series produced and shown by the Fox network from 1997 to 2002. It was created by Lynn Lehmann and presented by Dick Clark Productions. Each episode had five stories, all of which seemed to defy logic and were reportedly based on true events. The spectator was given the task of determining which statements were true and which were untrue. At the end of the play, the audience learned whether the stories were authentic or made up. In season one, James Brolin hosted the show, then Jonathan Frakes took over for the rest of the season. Don LaFontaine narrated the first three seasons, and Campbell Lane narrated the fourth and final season.