Bernard is an animated short series about a fictional polar bear with the same name as the main character. It's a co-production between Korea, Spain, and France. Each three-minute episode is centered on the bear's curiosity and has numerous slapstick situations. Except for incomprehensible noises, Bernard never talks. In the cartoons, Bernard is joined by the penguins Lloyd and Eva, the lizard Zack, the chihuahua Goliat, the infant Sam, the dog Pilot, the porcupine Pokey, and Santa Claus. Due to some tragedy caused by his incompetence, he is usually knocked out or severely injured at the end of an episode. The animation style is a combination of computer-generated and cel animation, and it was produced by the Korean business RG Animation Studios with funding from the South Korean broadcaster EBS, the Spanish BRB Internacional, and the French M6. Screen21 wrote the stories, and José Luis Ucha Enrquez and Claudio Biern Lliviria directed the film. Oscar Maceda Rodrguez wrote the music for the film. Bernard has received a number of nominations, including Best Animation Series at the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, Mipcom Jr. Licensing Challenge Award, Prize in Children and Education at the Dong-A International Festival of Cartoon & Animation, and was a finalist at the Annecy International Animation Festival.
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