Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó are responsible for the creation of the animated television series All Grown Up!, which airs on Nickelodeon. Following the accomplishments of the Rugrats 10th anniversary special titled "All Grown Up," Nickelodeon decided to create a spin-off series titled "All Grown Up!" based on the episode. The original run of the series began on April 12, 2003 and ended on August 17, 2008; reruns of the show can be seen on Nickelodeon and Nicktoons at the present time. Reruns of the show were broadcast on The N beginning August 18, 2003 and continuing until November 12, 2005. The program was taken off the channel in February 2006, but it made a comeback in April 2007 and continued airing until June 25, 2009. On July 7, 2009, All Grown Up! was taken off The N for the second time. The premise of the show is that the Rugrats characters are now in their twenties instead of their teens. Now Tommy, Dil, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Kimi, Angelica, and Susie are forced to face with challenges and situations that are typical of adolescents and pre-adolescents. It was the first Nicktoon spin-off to receive positive reviews among reviewers, and after its run, it established a cult following.
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