To his wife, Megumi, and their two teenage kids, Ryûhei Sasaki (Teruyuki Kagawa) is harboring a secret. In spite of the fact that he leaves the house every day, he's not really going to work. He's going to a job center to look for a job. Even though he was just laid off as a result of outsourcing, he is still motivated to find work and to help out an old buddy who has lost his job as a result of the same factor. However, when Megumi discovers Ryûhei's secret and refuses to inform him, their marriage is damaged.
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To his wife, Megumi, and their two teenage kids, Ryûhei Sasaki (Teruyuki Kagawa) is harboring a secret. In spite of the fact that he leaves the house every day, he's not really going to work. He's going to a job center to look for a job. Even though he was just laid off as a result of outsourcing, he is still motivated to find work and to help out an old buddy who has lost his job as a result of the same factor. However, when Megumi discovers Ryûhei's secret and refuses to inform him, their marriage is damaged.