In the aftermath of her father's transfer from his job, Yu Akahane (Nana Komatsu) is forced to live in a dormitory room. The fact that she would be sharing a room with Takumi Shirakawa (Yudai Chiba), called "White Prince," is a source of great excitement for her. In spite of this, Haruto Kurosaki (Kento Nakajima), called "Black Devil," kisses her as punishment for defying his wishes. Yu Akahane's first kiss takes place here. Her attitude toward Haruto Kurosaki has changed since then.
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In the aftermath of her father's transfer from his job, Yu Akahane (Nana Komatsu) is forced to live in a dormitory room. The fact that she would be sharing a room with Takumi Shirakawa (Yudai Chiba), called "White Prince," is a source of great excitement for her. In spite of this, Haruto Kurosaki (Kento Nakajima), called "Black Devil," kisses her as punishment for defying his wishes. Yu Akahane's first kiss takes place here. Her attitude toward Haruto Kurosaki has changed since then.