Animated film adaptation of Julia Donaldson's beloved children's picture book, which was illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The story of a compassionate witch who, much to the chagrin of her cat, invites an unexpected group of animals to accompany her on her broom. Finally, the party saves the witch from a terrifying dragon, and in return, she bestows upon them a gorgeous new broom with plenty capacity for everyone. From the producers of the enormously successful The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child comes a wonderful tale about friendship and family.
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Animated film adaptation of Julia Donaldson's beloved children's picture book, which was illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The story of a compassionate witch who, much to the chagrin of her cat, invites an unexpected group of animals to accompany her on her broom. Finally, the party saves the witch from a terrifying dragon, and in return, she bestows upon them a gorgeous new broom with plenty capacity for everyone. From the producers of the enormously successful The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child comes a wonderful tale about friendship and family.