While traveling from rural Essex to Soho in search of escorts, Jim meets a unique group of high-class escorts known as The Raconteurs, which specializes in post-coital discourse. A uncommon ailment that causes him to hallucinate and faint would have made Jim the talk of the town if it weren't for Stendhal Syndrome, a rare condition that causes him to become a sought-after prostitute and eventually an artist's muse. In the art forgery detection field, may Jim's sickness bring him down?
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While traveling from rural Essex to Soho in search of escorts, Jim meets a unique group of high-class escorts known as The Raconteurs, which specializes in post-coital discourse. A uncommon ailment that causes him to hallucinate and faint would have made Jim the talk of the town if it weren't for Stendhal Syndrome, a rare condition that causes him to become a sought-after prostitute and eventually an artist's muse. In the art forgery detection field, may Jim's sickness bring him down?