The story of Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager laid off from his job, is at the center of Number One, a pleasant and funny musical family comedy. A management position at the popular drag club "Number One" is Chee Beng's "Plan B" after a string of unsuccessful job interviews. Chee Beng soon finds himself pressured into donning drag and performing alongside the other queens. Chee Beng, to everyone's delight, is an accomplished drag queen.
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The story of Chow Chee Beng, a middle-aged white collar manager laid off from his job, is at the center of Number One, a pleasant and funny musical family comedy. A management position at the popular drag club "Number One" is Chee Beng's "Plan B" after a string of unsuccessful job interviews. Chee Beng soon finds himself pressured into donning drag and performing alongside the other queens. Chee Beng, to everyone's delight, is an accomplished drag queen.