The plot is set in Canton, China in the 1940s and revolves around Sing, who urgently aspires to join the Axe Gang. He finds himself in a slum ruled by eccentric landlords who turn out to be the finest kung-fu experts in disguise. Sing's actions finally lead to a kung-fu brawl between the Axe Gang and the slumlords. Only one team will triumph, and only one hero will be crowned the greatest kung-fu master of all time.
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The plot is set in Canton, China in the 1940s and revolves around Sing, who urgently aspires to join the Axe Gang. He finds himself in a slum ruled by eccentric landlords who turn out to be the finest kung-fu experts in disguise. Sing's actions finally lead to a kung-fu brawl between the Axe Gang and the slumlords. Only one team will triumph, and only one hero will be crowned the greatest kung-fu master of all time.