This heartwarming blockbuster is based on true events and follows the tale of two individuals who, at first glance, share nothing in common. Charlie is a manufacturing owner attempting to rescue his family's business, and Lola is a dazzling performer with a crazily innovative plan. With a little compassion and a great deal of understanding, this unlikely team learns to embrace their differences and creates a line of robust stilettos unlike any in the world! In the end, though, their greatest accomplishment is their relationship.
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This heartwarming blockbuster is based on true events and follows the tale of two individuals who, at first glance, share nothing in common. Charlie is a manufacturing owner attempting to rescue his family's business, and Lola is a dazzling performer with a crazily innovative plan. With a little compassion and a great deal of understanding, this unlikely team learns to embrace their differences and creates a line of robust stilettos unlike any in the world! In the end, though, their greatest accomplishment is their relationship.