The story begins with the nice but impoverished Potter, who once discovers Flint, a magical relic that, instead of bringing its owner wealth, bestows a death curse on him. Potter will only be spared if the main character, a little girl named Twinkle, is completely dedicated to the cause. Without a second's hesitation, she goes to the aid of a friend, assisting him in realizing that love and honest work are more valuable than money and power.
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The story begins with the nice but impoverished Potter, who once discovers Flint, a magical relic that, instead of bringing its owner wealth, bestows a death curse on him. Potter will only be spared if the main character, a little girl named Twinkle, is completely dedicated to the cause. Without a second's hesitation, she goes to the aid of a friend, assisting him in realizing that love and honest work are more valuable than money and power.