The film follows the lives of four childhood friends: Joon-seok, the leader, whose father is a powerful mob boss; Dong-su, whose father is an undertaker; class clown Jung-ho; and Sang-taek, an exemplary student. The story is based on the director's personal experiences with his friends, and it is set in his hometown of Busan. When it was first released, it was the highest-grossing Korean film of all time.
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The film follows the lives of four childhood friends: Joon-seok, the leader, whose father is a powerful mob boss; Dong-su, whose father is an undertaker; class clown Jung-ho; and Sang-taek, an exemplary student. The story is based on the director's personal experiences with his friends, and it is set in his hometown of Busan. When it was first released, it was the highest-grossing Korean film of all time.