This year's Detective Conan movie features Kaito Kid once again. Kid has promised to take a priceless jewel from an actress, so she asked Mouri Kogoro to keep it safe. Kaito Kid disguised himself as Shinichi on the day of the heist, and Conan and Kaito fought it out. For their kindness, the actress invited Kogoro and his family to visit her in Sapporo, but as they fly through the skies, a much larger scheme and an urgent situation are about to unfold...
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This year's Detective Conan movie features Kaito Kid once again. Kid has promised to take a priceless jewel from an actress, so she asked Mouri Kogoro to keep it safe. Kaito Kid disguised himself as Shinichi on the day of the heist, and Conan and Kaito fought it out. For their kindness, the actress invited Kogoro and his family to visit her in Sapporo, but as they fly through the skies, a much larger scheme and an urgent situation are about to unfold...