In this gritty thriller, Eugene, a lonely photographer, becomes enamored with Josephine, a young prostitute who lives in his shabby neighborhood, and eventually kills her. She has escaped a war-torn nation only to be lured into the illicit sex trade by corruption and a powerful underworld criminal known as Daddy. She is now stuck in the illegal sex trade. While Josephine represents a sign of purity in the midst of evil, for Eugene, she represents something more - when he photographs her, there is something compelling about her, and she immediately becomes his muse.
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In this gritty thriller, Eugene, a lonely photographer, becomes enamored with Josephine, a young prostitute who lives in his shabby neighborhood, and eventually kills her. She has escaped a war-torn nation only to be lured into the illicit sex trade by corruption and a powerful underworld criminal known as Daddy. She is now stuck in the illegal sex trade. While Josephine represents a sign of purity in the midst of evil, for Eugene, she represents something more - when he photographs her, there is something compelling about her, and she immediately becomes his muse.