Based on the Japanese manga "Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu," this story follows Kang Han-na (Kim Ah-jung), an overweight phone sex staffer and hidden vocalist for Ammy, a well-known Korean pop artist who lip syncs due to her inability to sing. Han-na undergoes an extreme makeover to become a music sensation after being publically humiliated by an ungrateful Ammy.
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Based on the Japanese manga "Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu," this story follows Kang Han-na (Kim Ah-jung), an overweight phone sex staffer and hidden vocalist for Ammy, a well-known Korean pop artist who lip syncs due to her inability to sing. Han-na undergoes an extreme makeover to become a music sensation after being publically humiliated by an ungrateful Ammy.