Wildfire is an American animated television series that debuted in 1986 and was created by Hanna-Barbera. The story follows Sara, a little girl who is growing up in the American West at the age of 13, as she finds her true identity as a princess-in-hiding from another realm who is destined to combat a wicked witch. The series chronicles the experiences that Sara has as she comes to terms with her destiny. The sitcom debuted on CBS for a single season consisting of 13 episodes from September 13, 1986, all the way through December 6, 1986.
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Wildfire is an American animated television series that debuted in 1986 and was created by Hanna-Barbera. The story follows Sara, a little girl who is growing up in the American West at the age of 13, as she finds her true identity as a princess-in-hiding from another realm who is destined to combat a wicked witch. The series chronicles the experiences that Sara has as she comes to terms with her destiny. The sitcom debuted on CBS for a single season consisting of 13 episodes from September 13, 1986, all the way through December 6, 1986.