The groundbreaking new series uses simultaneous storytelling to take viewers through gripping true-crime situations from two sides. In each episode, the audience slips into the shoes of two opposing narratives to hear firsthand accounts from victims and perpetrators, including never-before-seen facts. The audience then takes on the role of armchair detective, deducing and piecing together several versions of the truth. Every story has two sides - and there's no telling how far someone will go for their spouse, child, or way of life. Every episode in this innovative storytelling format concludes by divulging critical details from the adjudicated cases, prompting you to wonder, "Who Do You Believe?"
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The groundbreaking new series uses simultaneous storytelling to take viewers through gripping true-crime situations from two sides. In each episode, the audience slips into the shoes of two opposing narratives to hear firsthand accounts from victims and perpetrators, including never-before-seen facts. The audience then takes on the role of armchair detective, deducing and piecing together several versions of the truth. Every story has two sides - and there's no telling how far someone will go for their spouse, child, or way of life. Every episode in this innovative storytelling format concludes by divulging critical details from the adjudicated cases, prompting you to wonder, "Who Do You Believe?"