Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series that premiered on BBC One on March 9, 2006. Originally set at a dysfunctional comprehensive school in Rochdale, England, the drama was relocated to the former Greenock Academy in Greenock, Scotland in 2012. The series focuses on the lives of the school's professors and students and addresses social themes such as extramarital affairs, abortion, divorce, child abuse, and suicide. Waterloo Road is created by Shed Productions, the same company that brought you Bad Girls and Footballers' Wives.
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Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series that premiered on BBC One on March 9, 2006. Originally set at a dysfunctional comprehensive school in Rochdale, England, the drama was relocated to the former Greenock Academy in Greenock, Scotland in 2012. The series focuses on the lives of the school's professors and students and addresses social themes such as extramarital affairs, abortion, divorce, child abuse, and suicide. Waterloo Road is created by Shed Productions, the same company that brought you Bad Girls and Footballers' Wives.