Underdog is an American animated TV series that aired on NBC on October3,1964, and ran in syndication until 1973 for 124 episodes. Underdog, Shoeshine Boy's alter ego, saved Sweet Polly Purebred from Simon Bar Sinister and Riff Raff. Underdog almost always rhymes, like in "Fear not, Underdog is here!" He was voiced by Wally Cox.
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Underdog is an American animated TV series that aired on NBC on October3,1964, and ran in syndication until 1973 for 124 episodes. Underdog, Shoeshine Boy's alter ego, saved Sweet Polly Purebred from Simon Bar Sinister and Riff Raff. Underdog almost always rhymes, like in "Fear not, Underdog is here!" He was voiced by Wally Cox.