Adopted by the rich and charitable Sandy and Kirsten Cohen, Ryan Atwood is a disturbed child from a shattered home who serves as the series' protagonist. Ryan and his surrogate brother Seth, each a socially awkward but intelligent adolescent, navigate life as outsiders in Newport Beach's upper-class community. Ryan and Seth spend a significant amount of time negotiating their relationships with Marissa Cooper, Seth's lifelong sweetheart Summer Roberts, and the quick-witted loner Taylor Townsend. The plot focuses on the clash of cultures between the idealistic Cohen family and the superficial, materialistic, and insular neighborhood in which they live. The series is a combination of melodrama and humor and has postmodernist themes.
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Adopted by the rich and charitable Sandy and Kirsten Cohen, Ryan Atwood is a disturbed child from a shattered home who serves as the series' protagonist. Ryan and his surrogate brother Seth, each a socially awkward but intelligent adolescent, navigate life as outsiders in Newport Beach's upper-class community. Ryan and Seth spend a significant amount of time negotiating their relationships with Marissa Cooper, Seth's lifelong sweetheart Summer Roberts, and the quick-witted loner Taylor Townsend. The plot focuses on the clash of cultures between the idealistic Cohen family and the superficial, materialistic, and insular neighborhood in which they live. The series is a combination of melodrama and humor and has postmodernist themes.