Don't Get Overly Concerned! The story of an ordinary Englishman named Arthur Dent, whose life was saved by a friend who turned out to be an alien while the planet Earth was being destroyed. A buddy of his informs him about the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is a guide that contains everything you've ever wanted to know and needed to know. They explore the entire galaxy, encountering both friendly and not so friendly characters along the way, all in an effort to find the answer to the big question (the answer being 42).
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Don't Get Overly Concerned! The story of an ordinary Englishman named Arthur Dent, whose life was saved by a friend who turned out to be an alien while the planet Earth was being destroyed. A buddy of his informs him about the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is a guide that contains everything you've ever wanted to know and needed to know. They explore the entire galaxy, encountering both friendly and not so friendly characters along the way, all in an effort to find the answer to the big question (the answer being 42).