The Batman is an American animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It aired on the Saturday morning television show Kids' WB from September 11, 2004 through March 22, 2008. Although it borrows from earlier Batman narratives, it doesn't follow the continuity of the comic books, films, or Batman: The Animated Series and its spin-offs. Jeff Matsuda, who also directed the ending, created the character designs for Jackie Chan Adventures. Six Daytime Emmy Awards were given to the show.
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The Batman is an American animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It aired on the Saturday morning television show Kids' WB from September 11, 2004 through March 22, 2008. Although it borrows from earlier Batman narratives, it doesn't follow the continuity of the comic books, films, or Batman: The Animated Series and its spin-offs. Jeff Matsuda, who also directed the ending, created the character designs for Jackie Chan Adventures. Six Daytime Emmy Awards were given to the show.